At Grace, we are called to cultivate a spiritually vibrant community of grace. At a glance, we: 

  • shepherd relationships with our families and their children
  • offer intergenerational and cross-cultural worship experiences
  • mark "milestone" experiences in our kids and teens' lives, which fits in with God’s mission

so that our kids and teens have solid faith experiences that prepare them to live as life-long Christians committed to community service. 


Nursery & PrayGround (infant to kindergarten)

Our nursery features a large play space, changing station, and crib. It is staffed each Sunday (year round) during the 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM services. Parents can also take advantage of the Cry Room in the back of the sanctuary whenever needed.

Our PrayGround activity center in the back of our sanctuary gives toddlers and young kids chance to stay in the room for worship service while creating their own faith experience. We have a table for coloring, puzzles, and other activities, a kids' labyrinth rug, and lots of faith-based books and cozy floor cushions for curling up and reading.

Sunday Kids' Faith Formation Class

Our program for grade-school kids (1st-5th) follows the academic-year calendar (see full calendar below). On Sunday mornings between late August and the end of May, kids gather in a classroom with two teachers for activities, lessons, and prayers. We offer this class during both worship services (9:00 and 10:30 AM), so parents can attend at either time. This year, we are excited to use the Spark All Kids curriculum from Sparkhouse. Learn more and view sample lessons on their site. We look forward to providing our kids and their parents the kind of spiritual nourishment on Sunday mornings that continues fueling them all week. Our goal is to start conversations at church that keep going at home!

Spark All Kids
Youth Group

Our Youth Group (6th-12th grade) provides Grace’s preteens and teens with opportunities for spiritual fellowship,
service, learning, and of course, fun! We have a full year of events planned. Our home base is the freshly redecorated Youth Room at Grace. Some adventures will take us into the mountains and over to our ministry partner church, Covenant DTC Presbyterian, in Greenwood Village (with supervising adults). Youth from Covenant join us for some events.

Spiritually Vibrant Households & Faithful Families

Pastor Dani’s Spiritually Vibrant Households and Faithful Families initiatives focus on cultivating spiritual vibrancy in everyday activities. Faithful Families emphasizes the daily activities of family units. Spiritually Vibrant Households is  inclusive to all households, whether individuals or families. Both Faithful Families and Spiritually Vibrant Households empower people to view their everyday lives as sacred, and to fit moments of intentional ritual into their schedules. Watch  for monthly emails from Pastor Dani about spiritual tools and techniques for enriching your family time and your home life.

Grace-Filled Moms & Dads of Grace

Grace-Filled Moms meets for brunch and fellowship one Sunday each month, at 12:15 p.m., at favorite restaurants in Highlands Ranch and Littleton. 

In 2023, a few moms at Grace got together and started a small group called “Grace Filled Moms.” We work to create a space for connection and communication between women both in person and online. We meet once a month at various restaurants around Highlands Ranch and Littleton. As they say, it takes a village to raise a child. We would like to invite you to join our small village of perfectly imperfect mothers.

Dads of Grace (DoGs) meets on the first Monday of each month, at 8:00 p.m., at Living the Dream brewery in Highlands Ranch. Join Pastor Justin and other Grace dads for a beverage. Friends are always welcome!

Prayer Partners

With an emphasis on being an intergenerational church, Grace has created Prayer Partners, matching adults with the
children of Grace. Each adult has a designated child whom they pray for and send cards to. They may also attend
events together throughout the year, including Breakfast with Santa. This program helps bridge the gap between generations. The partners often develop friendships that last many years. Prayer Partner pairs meet together as a group throughout the year at Grace. Past events have included Prayer Partners and Pie; Prayer Partners Luncheon; Prayer Partners and Pizza; and Prayer Partners Potluck.


The Grace community celebrates several defining moments (both secular and sacred) in our youths’ lives.
We come together in prayer during services throughout the year to offer our kids and teens special blessings and
to distribute special stones commemorating their achievements. These “milestone” moments include Baptism; Entering Kindergarten; First Bible (3rd grade); First Communion (4th grade); Entering Middle School (6th or 7th grade); Confirmation (8th or 9th grade); Drivers License (10th or 11th grade); High School Graduation; Music; and Mission Trips.


Grace's Confirmation program, designed for students in 8th grade and beyond, offers a multifaceted program that includes group experiences, mentor-guided lessons, at-home discussions, a group retreat in the mountains, personal reflection, and engaging in acts of service to others. Through the process of Confirmation, the church “walks alongside” youth to explore and make a choice about what they believe and how they are going to live. This program helps young people explore the many facets of Christian faith within the Reformed faith tradition and will help them more fully answer for themselves, even apart from their parents, what they believe. Each youth is assigned a mentor that will complete many lessons with them. Their relationship is a key part of the program and we understand that every student has their own life experiences and challenges, distinctive learning styles, and unique needs. Therefore, the mentors collaborate closely with each family to tailor our program to best support the individual student. They will work with students during the whole program and near the end of the program, students will be asked to write or create a unique and personal statement of faith. This statement of faith will serve not as a completion of the process, but as the commencement of a dynamic and spiritually vibrant journey of faith. The Confirmation program concludes with a spring celebration weekend. Confirmands, along with their parents, siblings, friends, mentors, session elders, and staff, are invited to a luxurious dinner featuring personalized gifts for the confirmands. The whole Confirmation experience concludes on Sunday morning at a special Confirmation service where students will be celebrated and congratulated in front of the congregation. 

Intergenerational Mission Trips

Our commitment to intergenerational and intercultural fellowship drives our three-year cycle of mission trips for
youths and adults. Through our three-year mission cycle, members of Grace and Covenant travel within Colorado, within the U.S., and internationally to experience faith, service, and community from a new perspective. Our latest mission trip was to plant trees and share Christian fellowship and joy in Guatemala!

Our community raises money thorughout the year to support mission trips. We also fundraise through the Kroger Community Rewards program. Sign up, select Grace, and use your rewards card at King Soopers. 

Kroger Community Rewards
Special Events for Families

We do holidays and special events big!

Whether it's the Easter Eggspress, July 4th, Halloween Trunk-or-Treat and Trick-or-Treet Street, Christmas Light Show & Caroling, Santa's Snack Stop, or other occasions, we create fun and wonder for families. 



Grace will host a four-day Vacation Bible School on Monday through Thursday, June 9-12, 2025. We welcome kids for a
morning (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM) of summer fun at the church.

Registration opens soon!

Music Scholarship

To participate in the Grace music scholarship program, students in 9th grade through college can explore their musical talents, participate in meaningful performances, and earn money towards their future endeavors. Our vision is to create a
supportive and inspiring environment where students can thrive as musicians and individuals. Students who rehearse and perform with our Choir or Praise Band (singing or playing an instrument) can earn $500 per semester ($1500 per year) for college tuition, school fundraisers & trips, music lessons, etc.. The Grace Music Program has a mission to ignite a passion for music within our youth community while providing valuable opportunities for growth and development. We believe that music has the power to enrich lives, foster creativity, and build connections.

Learn More