Sheila grew up on a ranch in South Dakota where she learned to play guitar. She was raised in a small Lutheran Church where she was able to sing loud and proud. She has always enjoyed singing and sharing music with others, even pursuing open mic nights and producing her own CD. She has lived in the Denver Metro area since 2001 and has sung in several worship bands over the years.
Sheila and her husband went through years of infertility - eventually adopting two children and then having a baby through rigorous fertility treatments. Sheila has written extensively on their trials and tribulations through infertility and adoption. You can find her writings on her personal Blog Website. Their family of five is thriving in Boulder County, CO. Her husband, Justin, works as an Senior Engineer at Ball Aerospace while also maintaining a hobby career as a triathlete, triathlon coach and masters swim coach.
As a mom of three small children, Sheila was ready to bring music into her life in a new way, and she found Grace. As the Celebration Band leader, she leads the 9 a.m. service in worship by bringing a combination of traditional hymns and contemporary christain musc to Grace. She has also taken over the duties of much of the creative media aspects of Grace including managing their social media, webpages, emails, ad design, and sunday slides - among other things.
"I have found a place that feels like home. That's Grace." - Sheila