The Majestic Throne: What does it mean to be a Matthew 25 congregation and a Matthew 25 follower of Jesus Christ? Our denomination, along with several other denominations, are focused on three ideas from Matthew 25: vitality of faith, the impoverished experience of a majority of human beings on the planet and in history, and our culture of prejudice and oppression of the marginalized. Our first, and foremost, experience of faith should be the majesty of God - a God who sees how we treat our fellow human beings, a God who gathers the thirsty, hungry, estranged and fleeing, the imprisoned and sick, and so many others. This is the same gathering that we see over and over again in the Book of Revelations. The throne of God is surrounded by the suffering of the world, the persecuted and oppressed, the people of the world whose very clothes are stained with blood. They are the least of these and they are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Resurrection and Easter are realized when we begin to function like the throne room of God is in the here and now - where we visit the stranger, the naked, the sick, the thirsty - for that is who we will be enjoying the heavens with. Based on Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46