On Easter Sunday, we proclaim the triumphant message of resurrection and renewal! In Acts 10:34-43, Peter declares the life-changing truth—Jesus, once crucified, is now risen, offering forgiveness, freedom, and hope to all. This Easter, we explore what it means to let go of death—not just in the literal sense, but in the ways we cling to fear, despair, and past burdens. Come celebrate the power of resurrection, where new beginnings are possible, love overcomes fear, and hope is made real in the risen Christ!
We decorate our sanctuary with beautiful flowers during the Easter season. To offset the cost, we ask that members of the church purchase a flower for $15. You may take any choice of the flowers we have available home after Easter. You can purchase through our online giving site by making the selection of "flowers". Or you can place money in the special flower envelopes located in the pew pads & in the narthex. Purchasers can indicate "in honor " or "in memory" on the order envelopes or in the notes section online.