2024 Confirmation Program

Designed for students in 8th grade and beyond

Grace's Confirmation program, designed for students in 8th grade and beyond, offers a multifaceted program that includes group experiences, mentor-guided lessons, at-home discussions, a group retreat in the mountains, personal reflection, and engaging in acts of service to others. Through the process of Confirmation, the church “walks alongside” youth to explore and make a choice about what they believe and how they are going to live. This program helps young people explore the many facets of Christian faith within the Reformed faith tradition and will help them more fully answer for themselves, even apart from their parents, what they believe. During the program, each youth is assigned a mentor that will complete many lessons with them. The mentor and student relationship is a key part of the program and we understand that every student has their own life experiences and challenges, distinctive learning styles, and unique needs. Therefore, the mentors collaborate closely with each family to tailor our program to best support the individual student. They will work with students during the whole program and near the end of the program, students will be asked to write or create a unique and personal statement of faith. This statement of faith will serve not as a completion of the process, but as the commencement of a dynamic and spiritually vibrant journey of faith. 

The 2024 Confirmation program will conclude with a celebration weekend on March 9th and 10th. Confirmands, along with their parents, siblings, friends, mentors, session elders, and staff, are invited to a luxurious dinner featuring personalized gifts for the confirmands. The whole Confirmation experience concludes on Sunday morning at a special Confirmation service where students will be celebrated and congratulated in front of the congregation. 

If you have any questions about the program, would like more information, or sign up your young adult (8th grade and up), contact Pastor Dave at dave@gracecolorado.com

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