Spiritually Vibrant
We aim to foster a dynamic and lively spiritual environment. Being 'spiritually vibrant' means having an active, energetic faith life among the congregation, where the experience of grace – God's unmerited favor and love – is central. The community aspect highlights the church's focus on building strong, supportive relationships where grace is both received and extended.
The teachings and life of Jesus Christ are the foundation of the church's beliefs and practices. We strive to model our lives after the example of Christ. We believe Christ is the Word made flesh, and our hope is to embody Christ in our lives.
Our church values the participation and inclusion of all age groups, from children to the elderly. It seeks to create a space where different generations can learn from each other, worship together, and share in the life of the church. This approach helps in fostering a diverse community that respects and celebrates the wisdom and energy of all ages.
We are open. We are curious. We are a community with a wide range of viewpoints and ideas. Being 'open-minded' means we foster respectful and welcoming attitudes towards diverse opinions and beliefs. We are committed to dialogue and understanding rather than divisiveness. We are evangelical and progressive, conservative and liberal, republican and democratic, and everything in between and beyond.
Participate Fully in Christ's Mission of Grace
We extend grace to others. We are not only a recipient of Christ’s grace but also a conduit of that grace to the wider world. This participation involves outreach and service to the greater community, social witness initiatives, and acts of kindness and mercy, reflecting the inclusive and unconditional nature of Christ's love and grace.
Covenant DTC Presbyterian and Grace Presbyterian are both PCUSA churches with distinct missions, visions, and congregational identities. While they remain separate and independent churches, they have partnered through a shared staffing model. This innovative approach allows both churches to access a dedicated team of pastoral and support staff who work collaboratively to help each congregation achieve its individual goals. The shared staff brings their unique talents and resources to support each church in its ministry and mission, ensuring that both Covenant and Grace can thrive without sacrificing their autonomy. These churches are not satellite campuses, but rather two distinct communities working together through shared leadership.